Annette S. Lee

Native Skywatchers - Reach for the Art in the Sky


Annette Lee is an astrophysicist and artist who leads the Native Skywatchers research project, which seeks out and celebrates indigenous peoples' connection to the stars. She works closely with Ojibwe and D(L)akota elders and community members to document Native star knowledge. Currently Annette is an Associate Professor of Astronomy & Physics at St. Cloud State University (SCSU) in Minnesota, Director of the SCSU Planetarium, and Director of the Native Skywatchers Research and Programming Initiative. Annette is mixed-race Dakota-Sioux and her communities are Ojibwe and D(L)akota.


Annette S. Lee is an Astrophysicist and Artist who leads the Native Skywatchers research initiative, which seeks out and celebrates indigenous peoples' connection to the stars. She works closely with Ojibwe and D(L)akota elders and community members to document native star knowledge. Currently Annette is an Associate Professor of Astronomy & Physics at St. Cloud State University (SCSU) in St.Cloud, Minnesota and Director of the SCSU Planetarium. In addition, Annette holds undergraduate degrees in mathematics (UC-Berkeley, 1992), painting (UI Urbana,1998); graduate degrees in painting (Yale, 2000) and astrophysics (Washington University, 2008).

The Sophia Centre
University of Wales Trinity Saint David