The Second Sophia Centre London Conference
Saturday 3rd December 2016
10.00 am - 5.30 pm with Sophia Centre Press birthday party and Book Launch until 7.00 pm
Join us for a day of top-quality talks by graduates of the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology, now beginning its fourteenth successful year and our tenth year at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. The MA is unique. It is the only academic qualification in the world which deals with the human relationship with the sky and includes the study of the history and culture of astrology in all its forms, in all cultures. It is taught entirely on line by an expert team of staff and our students come from all five continents. The day conference is held at our central London campus. Click for details of how to find the venue.
The fee for the day includes a fabulous vegetarian buffet lunch and a closing reception with wine and nibbles to celebrate the seventh birthday of our in-house academic publisher, The Sophia Centre Press.
This is a public event as part of the Sophia Centre's outreach programme and all are welcome.
Venue: The University of Wales London Campus. Click for details of how to find the venue.
Sponsored by the Sophia Centre Press.
See here for times and programme and see here for speakers and topics.
If you would like to know more about the MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology email the programme director, Dr Nicholas Campion,