Conference Theme  

Conference Theme

Twenty first Annual Sophia Centre Conference
Harmony Institute. Sophia Centre and Sophia Centre Press
University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Lampeter 14 - 15 July 2024

As Above, So Below

The phrase 'as above, so below', is paraphrased from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, probably dating to the 9th century, and has formed a foundation for the theory of astrology ever since. The second part of the phrase, 'as below, so above', introduces the notion of a reciprocal relationship between sky and earth, or between people, planets and stars, or between this world and other worlds, in which each part of the universe is in a mutual relationship with all other parts. As some modern commentators, put it, nothing exists except in relationship to everything else. A common contemporary term is 'relationality'.

This conference will focus on the theory and practice of the relationships between earth and sky, or between people, planets, and stars. Papers may focus on any aspect of astronomy, astrology, and cosmology, and approaches may be taken from across the humanities and social sciences. We welcome papers which take a broad approach, or which focus on particular issues, people or texts, as long as they reference the conference theme.

Speakers will be contacted directly.

Lampeter Campus

University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Lampeter Campus
Ceredigion SA48 7ED
Tel: 01570 422351

London Campus

University of Wales Trinity Saint David
London Campus, Winchester House
11 Cranmer Road
London, SW9 6EJ
Tel: 0207 566 7600

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