
Welcome to the Sophia Project, the outreach pages for The Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture, a unique research and teaching centre within the Faculty of Humanities and the Performing Arts at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David. The Sophia Project brings together the Sophia Centre's wider activities. The Centre's remit is the consideration of how we live on planet Earth, with particular reference to the sky and cosmos as part of the wider environment. Its work is partly historical, partly anthropological and partly philosophical. It has a wide-ranging remit to investigate the role of cosmological, astronomical and astrological beliefs, models and ideas in human culture, including the theory and practice of myth, magic, divination, religion, spirituality, architecture, politics and the arts. We deal with the modern world as much as indigenous or ancient practices.

The Sophia Centre

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Welcome to the public outreach page of the Sophia Centre for the Study of Cosmology in Culture at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, with information about studying with the University, as well as links to related conferences, classes, publications and events. To go straight to the Sophia Centre's University page please go here.

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Lampeter Campus

University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Lampeter Campus
Ceredigion SA48 7ED
Tel: 01570 422351
Website: www.uwtsd.ac.uk

London Campus

University of Wales Trinity Saint David
London Campus, Winchester House
11 Cranmer Road
London, SW9 6EJ
Tel: 0207 566 7600
Website: www.uwtsdlondon.ac.uk

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